Why was this blog created?

This blog was established in the days after the Haiti earthquake, and will likely focus on this disaster for the near future, but I would like this to be a repository for all manner of information on disasters, hazards, risk, and related matters. The amount of information here will ebb and flow with the salience of disasters and policy and research agendas. If you would like to be a contributing author, let me know!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Roundup and update of latest news on Haiti

First, an observation. Since the Tuesday Massachussets Senate election, and President Obama's plans to regulate the banks were revealed, the Haiti earthquake has fallen quite a bit off the front page of the New York Times' website. I plan to do an empirical analysis of how quickly this event fell out of the public eye. There is a benefit on many on-air and cable TV networks tonight, but Friday not is not traditionally a big TV night, although it will be interesting to see whether it raises donations.

Meanwhile, some interesting news items from the last few days:

"Do the Reporters in Haiti Have Their Own Food and Shelter? Plus: Why don't earthquakes get names, like hurricanes do?" [Slate]

"How Do You Measure an Earthquake From 250 Years Ago?" [Slate]

"Airline stands firm on bag policy for Haiti rescue workers" [CNN]

""Why Did We Focus on Securing Haiti Rather Than Helping Haitians? Here are two possibilities, neither of them flattering" [One of the best articles of the week, Slate]

I found, somewhere, mention of the Palace Hotel in Port-au-Prince. The folks running their website are blogging about what is happening there. It appears to be one of the few hotels still open, although it is full for the foreseeable future of journalists and other workers.

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