Why was this blog created?

This blog was established in the days after the Haiti earthquake, and will likely focus on this disaster for the near future, but I would like this to be a repository for all manner of information on disasters, hazards, risk, and related matters. The amount of information here will ebb and flow with the salience of disasters and policy and research agendas. If you would like to be a contributing author, let me know!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Op-Ed Contributor - Shake, Rattle, Seattle - NYTimes.com

Op-Ed Contributor - Shake, Rattle, Seattle - NYTimes.com

Buried in other work, but am coming up for air to read recent articles like these on the earthquake hazard in the United States/

1 comment:

  1. I missed this . . . thanks for posting, though it doesn't exactly make me feel great since I've been living ont he 12th floor of a building on the viaduct for the past year . . .
